
We produce thermostats and various kinds of temperature control device for automobiles.
We also introduce testing and analytical equipment for the entire vehicle system and engage in proposal-based development.

We make a range of automotive products for four-wheeled vehicles, chiefly thermostats to control the temperature of engine coolant, as well as thermal sensors to control various actuators according to engine coolant temperatures, intake air thermal valves, and oil valves to control engine and transmission oils.

サーモスタット 水温センサ オイルバルブ

Thermostats Oil valve

【 Thermostat actuation 】

Thermostats, our main products, incorporate a thermoelement. They open the valve when the temperature of the engine coolant reaches the specified level, and close the valve when the temperature drops. Thus by controlling the coolant temperature through permitting or halting the flow of coolant, thermostats can exert a major influence on engine efficiency as well as improving fuel consumption.


【 Oil valve actuation 】

Operating according to the same principle as a thermostat, a thermoelement is incorporated into the oil valve, which by closing and opening regulates the flow of cool oil to enable improved fuel consumption and gearbox performance. The oil valve is also utilized for engine lubricant.

Thermostats Oil valve